Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Peeglike peeglike - Mirror mirror

Peeglike, peeglike seina peal, kes on kaunim kogu maal? 
Üks härra metsvint leidis peegli vanast kolahunnikust. Ja kuramaaž algas. Tantsis ja laulis, vahepeal koputas peeglile, et "kuulge, teie seal", ja tantsis edasi. Laulu ajal ajas pea uljalt kuklasse ja pirrutikke lendas nii, et terve õu kajas. Silmanurgast ilmselt märkas, et too teine laulab kaasa. See tekitas väga suurt segadust. Pärast väikest pausi tuli ta tagasi ja laulis ning tantsis veelgi hoogsamalt. 
Kui peegel sai ära koristatud, saabus vaikne puhkehetk. Loodetavasti sai see härrasmees veel pääsetud näljast ja poissmehepõlvest. 


Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all? One male chaffinch has found a mirror and he is dancing and singing in front of it. He had probably performed his dance for hours when I discovered the situation and he seemed a little tired. But this handsome fellow in the mirror don't care, so one must dance more vigorously and sing louder and better. Once this seductive object was removed, there was silence. Hopefully this tired bird was saved from hunger and bachelor status. 

Metsvint, Common chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs, peippo