Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Dialoogid | Dialogues

*In English after the photos

Ühel kõrvetavalt palaval ja loiul päeval, kui õhk seisis ja tuul kleepus, nägin vee ääres kivil kükitamas pimestavalt valget siidhaigrut. Sinna muulile otsustasimegi istuma jääda, et jälgida tema tegevusi. Ta oli ilmselt jahil ja passis kalu. 
Varsti maandus tema lähedale üks noor tõmmukajakas ja see ajas haigru veidi tigedaks, kukal tõusis turri ja kael oli nagu oda, hirmuäratava nokaga eesotsas, kuid kajakanooruk ei saanud midagi aru ja oli edasi. Varsti sai haigur ka aru, et kajakas ei mõika ja ei teinud temast enam välja.

Veider oli neid kahte nii lähestikku näha, sest alles siis nägin, kui habras ja väike on siidhaigur. Kodumaal olen näinud küll ja veel halle ja hõbehaigruid, aga mõlemad on ikka täitsa suured. 

Siis äkki märkasin, et naaberkivil toimetab teinegi haigur. Mõlemad ootasid kala ja mõlemad said ka kala. Minust ei lasknud nad endid häirida, olin ilmselt piisavalt kaugel ja kui lahkusin, jäid nad kividele tukkuma. Neil on väga kiftid jalad (: 

See oligi minu viimane linnupostitus São Migueli saarelt, järgmine linnupostitus saab olema midagi muud.
Ma tänan kõiki, kes on blogi jälginud!

siidhaigur, Egretta garzetta, Little egret, silkkihaikara

Atlandi tõmmukajakas, Larus fuscus graellsii, 
Lesser black-backed gull, selkälokki

Atlandi tõmmukajakas, Larus fuscus graellsii, 
Lesser black-backed gull, selkälokki

Ole siis seal ...

It was such a hot day, the air was standing still and the wind was sticky. That’s when I saw on a lava rock near the harbor mole a little egret. It was fishing. And it was bright white. This was the spot to sit a while and watch egret’s doings.
A few moments later a young black-backed gull landed at the top of the rock and this was something the egret didn’t like at all and it showed it. Neck like a spear with its terrible sharp peak and all the feathers up on its head. But the young gull didn’t understand and soon the egret also saw that and it gave up and didn’t pay any attention to the gull anymore. 
It was a bit weird to see them together, only then I saw how fragile the egret is. In Estonia I’ve seen lots of gray egrets and big white egrets and they are big, compare to the little one. 
Then I noticed that near by there was another little egret and they both were fishing and they both got fish. I didn’t seem to bother them, I was in a safe distance. When I left the hot rocks they were both having a nap.  
They do have cool legs (:

This was my last bird post from São Miguel. next time it'll be something else :) Thank you for reading my blog!

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